Question 8
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Looks great! My only concern is, who will be in charge of maintaining these new areas of biodiversity, especially green roofs? Will it be on the homeowners or the council?
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Where is the water going to come from for this development? Cambridgeshire and the River Cam are dying for lack of water. This development will make the area even drier.
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Just wondered if there are any issues with most if currently being a sewage works? Hard to believe there aren't
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In fact you're doing too much. Green roofs will just add to the cost of buildings; all you need to do is build good family homes! People not nature!
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Biodiversity will require water. They must also be allowed to do their own thing and grow. Such a disorganised (some would say organic) growth of biodiversity seems counter to the formal/ fixed plans as discussed here. Also Biodiversity will be limited if there are a lack of personal gardens Trees will need to be a mix of female and male not just male which maybe tidier but make no fruit to feed the extra wildlife etc.
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If a new Anglian water treatment plant has to be constructed on a green field site then this will remove any benefit from the biodiversity created at this site unless more extensive biodiversity measure are put in place.
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You cannot expect to have a significantly level of biodiversity and maintain and efficient use of the space within the built up area. Children's play areas are more important
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There is less green area in Cambridge. By building more building how can we increase the bio diversity. Its just a normal thought. The amount of pollution is already very hing on peak timing.
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Try to support biodiversity through as many diverse initiatives as possible. I like the green roofs plan. Has thought been given to fitting buildings with solar panels for environmental mitigation too?
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I'm really not sure how building lots of buildings will help bio diversity.
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There is not the space in the area for the amount of area that can be developed for biodiversity to match the planned density of homes and offices. Green roofs on buildings that are no more than 4 storeys high is good. Very few people would use roof tops on buildings higher than that putting the whole idea in the bin
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You are destroying the environment, how could you kid yourselves you are improving biodiversity?
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That 10% net gain does not take into consideration the loss of biodiversity occasioned by building the WWTP on green belt
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Sounds like the bare minimum. Again, please don't suggest Milton country park falls inside this redevelopment. Green roofs are positive.
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The consultation should do more to explain what is being done over and above the mandated biodiversity requirements for new developments. The described plans appear to pay nothing but lip service to maintaining the biodiversity of the areas surrounding the scheme that it is not allowed to develop.
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It will not be enough to require developers to install "biodiversity features" such as green roofs, bird and bat boxes; there must also be public information about these and other biodviersity in the area, and fostering of a sense of shared ownership and responsibility for the biodiversity in the area, to avoid such measures becoming a box ticking exercise.
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