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- Stapleford & Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
- Representation search for Stapleford & Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
- Draft Cambridge Biomedical Campus Supplementary Planning Document
- Representation search for Draft Cambridge Biomedical Campus Supplementary Planning Document
- Draft Cambridge Biomedical Campus Supplementary Planning Document
- Representations made against Chapter 1: Introduction and purpose
- Representations made against Chapter 2: Ambitions for the Campus and development to date
- Representations made against Chapter 3: Site context
- Representations made against Chapter 4: Cambridge Biomedical Campus development principles
- Representations made against Chapter 5: Obligations and mitigation
- Appendices
- Supporting Documents
- Representations made against Sustainability Appraisal Screening Report Draft Cambridge Biomedical Campus Supplementary Planning Document
- Representations made against Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening Report Draft Cambridge Biomedical Campus Supplementary Planning Document
- Representations made against Consultation Statement Draft Cambridge Biomedical Campus Supplementary Planning Document
- Draft Greater Cambridge Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document
- Representation search for Draft Greater Cambridge Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document
- Draft Greater Cambridge Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document
- Representations made against 1.0 Introduction
- Representations made against 2.0 Links Between Spatial Planning and Health
- Representations made against 3.0 What is a Health Impact Assessment?
- Representations made against 4.0 When is a Health Impact Assessment required?
- Representations made against 5.0 Stages of a Health Impact Assessment
- Appendices
- Supporting Documents
- Representations made against Sustainability Appraisal Screening Report Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document
- Representations made against Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document
- Representations made against Consultation Statement Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document
- Draft Greater Cambridge Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document Consultation
- Representation search for Draft Greater Cambridge Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document Consultation
- Draft Greater Cambridge Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document
- Representations made against Chapter 1: Introduction
- Representations made against Chapter 2: Approach to Planning Obligations
- Representations made against Chapter 3: How to use this Supplementary Planning Document
- Representations made against Chapter 4: Affordable Housing
- Representations made against Chapter 5: Green Infrastructure
- Representations made against Chapter 6: Biodiversity
- Representations made against Chapter 7: Community Facilities
- Representations made against Chapter 8: Social and Community Support Services
- Representations made against Chapter 9: Libraries and Lifelong Learning
- Representations made against Chapter 10: Transport and Highways
- Representations made against Chapter 11: Education
- Representations made against Chapter 12: Public Art
- Representations made against Chapter 13: Burial Space
- Representations made against Chapter 14: Public Open Space
- Representations made against Chapter 15: Indoor Sports, including Swimming
- Representations made against Chapter 16: Public Realm
- Representations made against Chapter 17: Waste and Recycling
- Representations made against Chapter 18: Emergency Services
- Representations made against Chapter 19: Planning Obligations to support local employment and skills
- Representations made against Chapter 20: Planning Obligations to support affordable workspace
- Representations made against Chapter 21: Public Rights of Way
- Representations made against Chapter 22: Healthcare
- Representations made against Chapter 23: Other Potential Development Specific Requirements
- Appendices
- Supporting Documents
- Representations made against Sustainability Appraisal Screening Report Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document
- Representations made against Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document
- Representations made against Consultation Statement Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document
- Pampisford Neighbourhood Plan Submission version
- Representation search for Pampisford Neighbourhood Plan Submission version
- Thriplow and Heathfield Neighbourhood Submission version
- Representation search for Thriplow and Heathfield Neighbourhood Submission version
- South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan Submission version
- Representation search for South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan Submission version
- Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023
- Representation search for Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Draft Consultation 2023
- Statement of Community Involvement Draft
- Representations made against 1.0 Introduction
- Representations made against 2.0 How can I get involved in the planning process?
- Representations made against 3.0 Our methods for community engagement in planning policy
- Representations made against 4.0 Methods for community engagement at the planning application stage
- Representations made against 5.0 How can the community be involved in the allocation of planning obligation funds?
- Representations made against 6.0 How the local community can prepare a neighbourhood plan or neighbourhood development order
- Representations made against 7.0 Monitoring and Review
- Appendices
- Representations made against Appendix 2: Consultation Bodies for Plan-making
- Representations made against Appendix 3: Council offices where planning consultation documents will be made available for public inspection
- Representations made against Appendix 5: Consultation Bodies for a Planning Application
- Background Documents
- Joint Planning Compliance Policy
- Representation search for Joint Planning Compliance Policy
- Redesignation of South Newnham Neighbourhood Forum May 2022
- Representation search for Redesignation of South Newnham Neighbourhood Forum May 2022
- West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan - submission version January 2022
- Representation search for West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan - submission version January 2022
- Fulbourn Neighbourhood Plan - submission version
- Representation search for Fulbourn Neighbourhood Plan - submission version
- Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
- Representation search for Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options
- Representations made against How much development and where?
- Representations made against The city of Cambridge
- Representations made against The edge of Cambridge
- Representations made against New settlements
- Representations made against The rural southern cluster
- Representations made against Rest of the rural area
- Representations made against Climate change
- Representations made against Biodiversity and green spaces
- Representations made against Wellbeing and inclusion
- Representations made against Great places
- Representations made against Jobs
- Representations made against Homes
- Representations made against Infrastructure
- Call for Sites
- Call for Green Sites
- Gamlingay Neighbourhood Plan Submission version
- Representation search for Gamlingay Neighbourhood Plan Submission version
- Waterbeach Neighbourhood Plan - Submission version
- Representation search for Waterbeach Neighbourhood Plan - Submission version
- Foxton Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Consultation 2021
- Representation search for Foxton Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Consultation 2021
- Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan
- Representation search for Draft North East Cambridge Area Action Plan
- Welcome
- 1. Vision
- 2. Context and objectives
- 3. A spatial framework for North East Cambridgeshire
- 4. Climate change, water and biodiversity
- 5. Design and built character
- 6. Jobs, homes and services
- 7. Connectivity
- 8. Development process
- Appendix, Acronyms and Glossary
- Supporting Information
- List of policies
- Greater Cambridge Local Plan Issues & Options 2020
- Representation search for Greater Cambridge Local Plan Issues & Options 2020
- Greater Cambridge Local Plan: Sustainability Appraisal of Issues and Options
- Representation search for Greater Cambridge Local Plan: Sustainability Appraisal of Issues and Options
- Greater Cambridge Local Plan: Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Representation search for Greater Cambridge Local Plan: Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Greater Cambridge Local Plan HRA Scoping Report
- Representation search for Greater Cambridge Local Plan HRA Scoping Report
- Making Space for People Vision, Aims and Objectives and Strategies - September 2019
- Representation search for Making Space for People Vision, Aims and Objectives and Strategies - September 2019
- Supporting Documents
- Representation search for Supporting Documents
- Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document
- Representation search for Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Main Document
- Contents, Notes & Executive Summary
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Housing Requirements and Housing Completions
- 3. Approach to Preparing the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Supply
- 4. Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Supply Calculations
- 5. Conclusions
- Appendix A: Template Letter and Questionnaire
- Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations in the Cambridge Urban Area
- Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations on the Cambridge Fringe
- Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations at New Settlements
- Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Allocations in the Rural Area
- Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Unallocated Sites with Planning Permission
- Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Unallocated Sites with Resolution to Grant Planning Permission
- Appendix B: Assessment of Sites included in the Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory - Windfall Allowance
- Appendix C: Evidence of Lead-In Times, Lapse Rates and Build Out Rates - Lead-in Times for sites of 10 dwellings or more (net)
- Appendix C: Evidence of Lead-In Times, Lapse Rates and Build Out Rates - Build Out Rates for sites of 10 dwellings or more (net)
- Appendix C: Evidence of Lead-In Times, Lapse Rates and Build Out Rates - Build Out Patterns for sites of 9 dwellings or less (net)
- Appendix C: Evidence of Lead-In Times, Lapse Rates and Build Out Rates - Lapse Rates (or Non-Implementation Rates)
- Appendix D: Evidence of Windfalls
- Appendix E: Small Sites of 9 dwellings or less (net) with planning permission at 31 March 2019
- Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Annex
- Representation search for Greater Cambridge Housing Trajectory and Five Year Housing Land Supply - Annex
- A1. Evidence of Lead-In Times, Lapse Rates, Build Out Rates and Windfalls
- A2. Completed Questionnaires and Emails
- A2. Completed Questionnaires and Emails - Responses C1-C40
- A2. Completed Questionnaires and Emails - Responses GC1-GC19
- A2. Completed Questionnaires and Emails - Responses SC1-SC43
- A2. Completed Questionnaires and Emails - Responses SC44-SC86
- Draft Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD - July 2019
- Representation search for Draft Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD - July 2019
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: The importance of urban design, 2.1 Introduction
- Section 2: The importance of urban design, 2.2 Achieving more sustainable development forms
- Section 2: The importance of urban design, 2.3 Transport, Movement and Accessibility
- Section 3: Policy Implementation, 3.1 Introduction
- Section 3: Policy Implementation, 3.2 Energy and Carbon Reduction
- Section 3: Policy Implementation, 3.3 Water efficiency
- Section 3: Policy Implementation, 3.4 Climate change adaptation
- Section 3: Policy Implementation, 3.5 Biodiversity
- Section 3: Policy Implementation, 3.6 Pollution
- Section 3: Policy Implementation, 3.7 Sustainable drainage systems and flood risk
- Section 3: Policy Implementation, 3.8 Construction standards (BREEAM)
- Section 3: Policy Implementation, 3.9 Sustainable Show Homes
- Section 3: Policy Implementation, 3.10 Works to a heritage asset to address climate change
- Section 3: Policy Implementation, 3.11 Construction waste and recycling and waste facilities
- Section 4: Further approaches to sustainable design and construction
- Section 4: Further approaches to sustainable design and construction, 4.2 Health and wellbeing
- Section 4: Further approaches to sustainable design and construction, 4.3 Modern Methods of Construction
- Section 4: Further approaches to sustainable design and construction, 4.4 Food growing as part of new developments
- Section 4: Further approaches to sustainable design and construction, 4.5 Smart technologies
- Section 4: Further approaches to sustainable design and construction, 4.6 Responsible sourcing of building materials and embodied carbon
- Appendix 1: Sustainability Checklist
- Appendix 2: Carbon reduction template - Cambridge
- Appendix 3: Gas Fired CHP Advice Note
- Appendix 4: Home Energy Questionnaire
- Appendix 5: Carbon reduction proformas for applications in South Cambridgeshire
- Appendix 6: Requirements for Specific lighting Schemes
- Appendix 7: The development of potentially contaminated sites in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire
- Appendix 8: Further technical guidance related to noise pollution
- Acronyms
- Glossary
- Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation
- Representation search for Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan - Submission consultation
- Chapter 1-3
- Chapter 4 Vision and Priorities
- Chapter 5 POLICIES / Essential Character Policies HIM01-05
- Chapter 5 POLICIES / Successful Economy Policies HIM06 - 09
- Chapter 5 POLICIES / Vibrant Community Policies HIM10 - 14
- Chapter 5 POLICIES / Getting around Policy HIM15 / Safe, secure and successful Policies HIM16-17
- Chapter 5 POLICIES / Housing for all Policies HIM18-19
- Chapter 6 - 9
- Histon & Impington Village Design Guide SPD
- Representation search for Histon & Impington Village Design Guide SPD
- 1: Introduction
- 2. About the village
- 3. Community Input
- 4. Village character
- 5. Enhancing access and relationship with the countryside
- 6. An active village
- 7. Strengthening the village centres
- 8. Improving the existing residential areas
- 9. Appropriate infill, upgrades and extensions
- 10. Integrating new development
- 11. Appropriate materials and details
- 12. Development that is inappropriate for Histon & Impington
- Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019
- Representation search for Draft Bourn Airfield Supplementary Planning Document - June 2019
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Site Context
- 3. Vision & Objectives
- 4. Spatial Framework
- 5. Creating the Place - Section 1: A Well Connected Place
- 5. Creating the Place - Section 2: Vibrant, Prosperous and Inclusive
- 5. Creating the Place - Section 3: Locally Distinctive
- 5. Creating the Place - Section 4: Healthy, Active and Resilient
- 5. Creating the Place - Section 5: Responsive and Sustainable
- 5. Creating the Place - Section 6: Cohesive, well-planned and well-governed
- 6. Delivering the Place
- Appendices
- Supporting Documents to Draft Bourn Airfield SPD
- Representation search for Supporting Documents to Draft Bourn Airfield SPD
- Draft Caldecote Village Design Guide SPD
- Representation search for Draft Caldecote Village Design Guide SPD
- Draft Fulbourn Village Design Guide SPD
- Representation search for Draft Fulbourn Village Design Guide SPD
- 1. Foreword and Introduction
- 2. About Fulbourn
- 3. Community Input
- 4. Character Areas
- 5. A close relationship with the countryside
- 6. A legacy of majestic trees
- 7. Attractive and safe village streets
- 8. An improved High Street at the heart of the village
- 9. Appropriate change to enhance the existing village
- 10. Integrating larger developments within the village
- 11. Appropriate scale, materials and details
- 12. Development that is inappropriate for Fulbourn
- SEA screening report
- HRA screening report
- Equalities Impact Assessment
- Draft Gamlingay Village Design Guide SPD
- Representation search for Draft Gamlingay Village Design Guide SPD
- 1. Foreword and Introduction
- 2. About Gamlingay
- 3. Community Input
- 4. Landscape setting
- 5. Village character
- 6. Landscape routes and connections
- 7. Frontages, streets and spaces
- 8. Church End long plots
- 9. Building scale, materials and details
- SEA screening report
- HRA screening report
- Equalities Impact Assessment
- Draft Over Village Design Guide SPD
- Representation search for Draft Over Village Design Guide SPD
- Draft Papworth Everard Village Design Guide SPD
- Representation search for Draft Papworth Everard Village Design Guide SPD
- 1. Foreword and Introduction
- 2. About Papworth Everard
- 3. Community Input
- 4. Village character
- 5. Landscape-led design: views
- 6. Landscape-led design: connections
- 7. Landscape-led design: character
- 8. The Royal Papworth
- 9. Design of new homes
- SEA screening report
- HRA screening report
- Equalities Impact Assessment
- Draft Sawston Village Design Statement SPD
- Representation search for Draft Sawston Village Design Statement SPD
- 1. Foreword and Introduction
- 2. About Sawston
- 3. Community Input
- 4. Village evolution
- 5. Village character
- 6. Sawston housing and density
- 7. Building scale, materials and details
- 8. Landscape setting and village edge
- 9. High Street and public realm
- SEA screening report
- HRA screening report
- Equalities Impact Assessment
- Draft Swavesey Village Design Guide SPD
- Representation search for Draft Swavesey Village Design Guide SPD
- 1. Foreword and Introduction
- 2. About Swavesey
- 3. Community Input
- 4. Rural Character
- 5. A flooding landscape
- 6. Character areas
- 7. Materials
- 8. Village edges
- 9. Movement network
- 10. Community green space
- 11. Integrating new development
- 12. Appropriate housing types
- SEA screening report
- HRA screening report
- Equalities Impact Assessment
- Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Call for Sites and Broad Locations Response Form 2019
- Representation search for Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Call for Sites and Broad Locations Response Form 2019
- Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan - submission consultation
- Representation search for Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan - submission consultation
- Foreword, Contents and Figures
- Chapter 1 Context
- Chapter 2 Format of the plan
- Chapter 3 Key Issues, Vision and Objectives
- Chapter 4 Conserving the village character
- Chapter 5 Providing more housing
- Chapter 6 Improving Amenities and Facilities
- Chapter 7 Encouraging Employment
- Chapter 8 Community Action Plan (not statutory policies)
- Appendix A: Glossary
- Appendix B: Bibliography
- Appendix C: Drainage and Flooding
- Appendix D: Cottenham's heritage assets (2017)
- Appendix E: Open Spaces
- Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Consultation Draft 2019
- Representation search for Greater Cambridge Statement of Community Involvement Consultation Draft 2019
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 How can I get involved in the planning process?
- 3.0 Our methods for community engagement in Planning Policy
- 4.0 Our methods for community engagement at the planning application stage
- 5.0 How the local community can prepare a Neighbourhood Plan or Order
- 6.0 Monitoring and Review
- Appendix 1: Consultation Bodies for Plan Making
- Appendix 2: Consultation Bodies for a Planning Application
- Appendix 3: Statutory requirements for consulting on planning applications
- Appendix 4: Sources of information for Neighbourhood Planning
- Appendix 5: Council offices where planning consultation documents will be
- Interim Sustainability Appraisal North East Cambridge AAP Issues and Options 2019
- Representation search for Interim Sustainability Appraisal North East Cambridge AAP Issues and Options 2019
- North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
- Representation search for North East Cambridge Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2019
- Foreword
- Executive Summary
- Acronyms and Glossary of Terms
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Policy Context
- 3. The AAP Boundary
- 4. The North East Cambridge Area Today
- Representations made against Question 3: In this chapter have we correctly identified the physical characteristics of the North East Cambridge area and its surroundings?
- Representations made against Question 4: Have we identified all relevant constraints present on, or affecting, the North East Cambridge area?
- 5. Vision & Strategic Objectives
- 6. Place Making
- Representations made against Question 7: Do you support the overall approach shown in the Indicative Concept Plan? Do you have any comments or suggestions to make?
- Representations made against Question 8: Do you agree that outside of the existing business areas, the eastern part of the North East Cambridge AAP area (i.e. the area east of Milton Road) should provide a higher density mixed us
- Representations made against Question 9: Should Nuffield Road Industrial Estate be redeveloped for residential mixed use development?
- Representations made against Question 10: Do you agree that opportunities should be explored to intensify and diversify existing business areas? If so, with what sort of uses?
- Representations made against Question 11: Are there any particular land uses that should be accommodated in the North East Cambridge area?
- Representations made against Question 12: What uses or activities should be included within the North East Cambridge AAP area which will create a district of culture, creativity and interest that will help create a successful com
- Representations made against Question 13: Should the AAP require developments in the North East Cambridge AAP area to apply Healthy Towns principles?
- Representations made against Question 14: How should the AAP recognise and make best use of the existing and potential new links between the AAP area and the CRC?
- Representations made against Question 15: Should clusters of taller buildings around areas of high accessibility including district and local centres and transport stops form part of the design-led approach to this new city distr
- Representations made against Question 16: Should the AAP include any or a combination of the options below to improve pedestrian and cycling connectivity through the site and to the surrounding area?
- Representations made against Question 17: Should we explore delivery of a cycling and pedestrian bridge over the railway line to link into the River Cam towpath?
- Representations made against Question 18: Which of the following options would best improve connectivity across Milton Road between Cambridge North Station and Cambridge Science Park?
- Representations made against Question 19: Should development within the North East Cambridge area be more visible from Milton Road, and provide a high quality frontage to help create a new urban character for this area?
- Representations made against Question 20: Do you agree with proposals to include low levels of parking as part of creating a sustainable new city district focusing on non-car transport?
- Representations made against Question 21a: In order to minimise the number of private motor vehicles using Milton Road, should Cambridge Science Park as well as other existing employment areas in this area have a reduction in car
- Representations made against Question 21b: Should this be extended to introduce the idea of a reduction with a more equitable distribution of car parking across both parts of the AAP area?
- Representations made against Question 22: Should the AAP require innovative measures to address management of servicing and deliveries, such as consolidated deliveries and delivery/collection hubs?
- Representations made against Question 23: Should development within the North East Cambridge area use car barns for the storage of vehicles?
- Representations made against Question 24: Within the North East Cambridge area green space can be provided in a number of forms including the following options. Which of the following would you support?
- 7. Transport
- Representations made against Question 25: As set out in this chapter there are a range of public transport, cycling and walking schemes planned which will improve access to the North East Cambridge area. What other measures shoul
- Representations made against Question 26: Do you agree that the AAP should be seeking a very low share of journeys to be made by car compared to other more sustainable means like walking, cycling and public transport to and from,
- Representations made against Question 27: Do you have any comments on the highway 'trip budget' approach, and how we can reduce the need for people to travel to and within the area by car?
- Representations made against Question 28: Do you agree that car parking associated with new developments should be low, and we should take the opportunity to reduce car parking in existing developments (alongside the other measur
- Representations made against Question 29: Do you agree that we should require high levels of cycle parking from new developments?
- Representations made against Question 30: Should we look at innovative solutions to high volume cycle storage both within private development as well as in public areas?
- Representations made against Question 31: What additional factors should we also be considering to encourage cycling use (e.g. requiring new office buildings to include secure cycle parking, shower facilities and lockers)?
- Representations made against Question 32: How do we design and plan for a place that makes the best use of current technologies and is also future proofed to respond to changing technologies over time?
- Representations made against Question 33: what sort of innovative measures could be used to improve links between the Cambridge North Station and destinations like the Science Park?
- 8. Employment
- Representations made against Question 34: Are there specific types of employment spaces that we should seek to support in this area?
- Representations made against Question 35: In particular, should the plan require delivery of:
- Representations made against Question 36: Which of the following approaches should the AAP take to existing industrial uses in the North East Cambridge area?
- Representations made against Question 37: Are there particular uses that should be retained in the area or moved elsewhere?
- 9. Housing
- Representations made against Question 38: Should the AAP require a mix of dwelling sizes and in particular, some family sized housing?
- Representations made against Question 39: Should the AAP seek provision for housing for essential local workers and/or specific housing provided by employers (i.e. tethered accommodation outside of any affordable housing contribu
- Representations made against Question 40: Should the AAP require 40% of housing to be affordable, including a mix of affordable housing tenures, subject to viability?
- Representations made against Question 41: Should an element of the affordable housing provision be targeted at essential local workers?
- Representations made against Question 42: Should the AAP require a proportion of development to provide custom build opportunities?
- Representations made against Question 43: Should the AAP allow a proportion of purpose built HMOs and include policy controls on the clustering of HMOs?
- Representations made against Question 44: Should the AAP include PRS as a potential housing option as part of a wider housing mix across the North East Cambridge area?
- Representations made against Question 45: if PRS is to be supported, what specific policy requirements should we consider putting in place to manage its provision and to ensure it contributes towards creating a mixed and sustaina
- Representations made against Question 46: Should PRS provide an affordable housing contribution?
- Representations made against Question 47: What 'clawback' mechanisms should be included to secure the value of the affordable housing to meet local needs if the homes are converted to another tenure?
- Representations made against Question 48: What would be a suitable period to require the retention of private rented homes in that tenure and what compensation mechanisms are needed if such homes are sold into a different tenure
- Representations made against Question 49: What type of management strategy is necessary to ensure high standards of ongoing management of PRS premises is achieved?
- Representations made against Question 50: Should the area provide for other forms of specialist housing, either on-site or through seeking contributions for off-site provision?
- Representations made against Question 51: Should the AAP apply the national internal residential space standards?
- Representations made against Question 52: Should the AAP develop space standards for new purpose built HMOs?
- Representations made against Question 53: Should the AAP apply External Space Standards, and expect all dwellings to have direct access to an area of private amenity space?
- Representations made against Question 54: Should the AAP apply the Cambridge Local Plan accessibility standards?
- 10. Retail, Leisure and Community Services & Facilities
- Representations made against Question 55: Do you agree with the range of considerations that the AAP will need to have regard to in planning for new retail and town centre provision in the North East Cambridge area? Are there oth
- Representations made against Question 56: Should the Councils be proposing a more multi-dimensional interpretation of the role of a town centre or high street for the North East Cambridge area, where retail is a key but not solel
- Representations made against Question 57: What community facilities are particularly needed in the North East Cambridge area?
- Representations made against Question 58: It is recognised that maximising the development potential of the North East Cambridge area may require a different approach to meeting the sport and open space needs of the new community
- Representations made against Question 59: Should open space provision within the North East Cambridge area prioritise quality and functionality over quantity?
- Representations made against Question 60: Should open space provision within the North East Cambridge area seek to provide for the widest variety of everyday structured and unstructured recreational opportunities, including walki
- Representations made against Question 61: Where specific uses are required to provide of open space as part of the development, should the AAP allow for these to be met through multiple shared use (for example school playing fiel
- 11. Climate Change & Sustainability
- Representations made against Question 62: Within this overall approach, in particular, which option do you prefer in relation to carbon reduction standards for residential development?
- Representations made against Question 63: Do you support the approach to sustainable design and construction standards suggested for the AAP?
- Representations made against Question 64: Do you support the proposal for the AAP to be clear that review mechanisms should to be built into any planning permissions in order to reflect changes in policy regarding sustainable des
- Representations made against Question 65: Do you support the plan requiring delivery of site wide approaches to issues such as energy and water, as well as the use of BREEAM Communities International Technical Standard at the mas
- Representations made against Question 66: Are there additional issues we should consider in developing the approach to deliver an exemplar development?
- Representations made against Question 67: What approach should the AAP take to ensure delivery of a net gain in biodiversity?
- Representations made against Question 68: Should the AAP require developments in the area to integrate SMART technologies from the outset?
- Representations made against Question 69: Should the AAP require the use of an underground waste system where is viable?
- 12. Implementation & Delivery
- Representations made against Question 70: Do you agree that the AAP should prioritise land that can feasibly be developed early? Are there any risks associated with this proposed approach?
- Representations made against Question 71: Should the AAP include a relocation strategy in preference to leaving this to the market to resolve?
- Representations made against Question 72: Do you agree with an approach of devising a Section 106 regime specifically for the North East Cambridge area? If not, what alternative approach should we consider?
- Representations made against Question 73: What approach do you consider the most appropriate basis on which to apportion the cost of the infrastructure requirements arising from different land uses to ensure an equitable outcome?
- Representations made against Question 74: How should the AAP take into account potential changes over time, both positive and negative, that might affect development viability?
- Representations made against Question 75: Do you agree with the proposal to require land assembly where it can be demonstrated that this is necessary for delivering the agreed masterplan for the North East Cambridge area and/or t
- Representations made against Question 76: Should the AAP state that the Councils will consider use of their Compulsory Purchase powers? If so, should the AAP also set out the circumstances under which this would appropriate?
- Representations made against Question 77: Should the Councils actively seek to facilitate joint working between the various landowners/developers within the North East Cambridge area? If so, what specific matters could we target
- Representations made against Question 78: Do you agree with the Councils' proposed approach to dealing with planning applications made ahead of the AAP reaching a more formal stage of preparation?
- Representations made against Question 79: What types of 'meanwhile uses' should the AAP support for the North East Cambridge area?
- Representations made against Question 80: Should there be any limit on the scale of a proposed 'meanwhile use'?
- Representations made against Question 81: Do you think it appropriate to set a maximum period for how long a 'meanwhile use' could be in operation?
- Representations made against Question 82: Should the AAP also include a requirement for 'meanwhile uses' to demonstrate how they will add vibrancy and interest and/or deliver on the wider development outcomes and vision for the N
- 13. General Issues
- Representations made against Question 83: What negative or positive impacts might the proposed plans have on residents or visitors to Cambridge with low incomes or who have particular characteristics protected under the Equality
- Representations made against Question 84: Do you have any other comments about the North East Cambridge area and/or AAP? Are there other issues and alternatives that the councils should consider? If you wish to make suggestions,
- Appendix 1: Adopted Local Plan Policies for North East Cambridge
- Appendix 2 - Summary of Issues and Questions
- Supporting Documents to Waterbeach New Town SPD
- Representation search for Supporting Documents to Waterbeach New Town SPD
- Waterbeach New Town Supplementary Planning Document
- Representation search for Waterbeach New Town Supplementary Planning Document
- Great Abington Former Land Settlement Association Estate Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Plan
- Representation search for Great Abington Former Land Settlement Association Estate Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Plan
- Grafton Area of Major Change SPD 2017
- Representation search for Grafton Area of Major Change SPD 2017
- Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD
- Representation search for Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD
- Application to designate a Neighbourhood Area
- Representation search for Application to designate a Neighbourhood Area
- Application to designate a Neighbourhood Forum
- Representation search for Application to designate a Neighbourhood Forum
- Stapleford and Great Shelford - Designation of a Neighbourhood Area
- Representation search for Stapleford and Great Shelford - Designation of a Neighbourhood Area
- Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD
- Representation search for Mitcham's Corner Development Framework SPD
- Whittlesford - designation of a neighbourhood area - July 2016
- Representation search for Whittlesford - designation of a neighbourhood area - July 2016
- Great Abington LSA Estate - Designating a Neighbourhood Area - June 2016
- Representation search for Great Abington LSA Estate - Designating a Neighbourhood Area - June 2016
- Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
- Representation search for Mill Road Depot Draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
- Melbourn - Designation of a neighbourhood area - March 2016
- Representation search for Melbourn - Designation of a neighbourhood area - March 2016
- Ridgeons, Cromwell Road: Supplementary Planning Document
- Representation search for Ridgeons, Cromwell Road: Supplementary Planning Document
- Cottenham - Designation of a neighbourhood area - October 2015
- Representation search for Cottenham - Designation of a neighbourhood area - October 2015
- Foxton - Designation of a neighbourhood area - October 2015
- Representation search for Foxton - Designation of a neighbourhood area - October 2015
- West Wickham - Designation of neighbourhood area -October 2015
- Representation search for West Wickham - Designation of neighbourhood area -October 2015
- The New Museums Site Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
- Representation search for The New Museums Site Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
- Waterbeach - Designation of Neighbourhood Area - June 2015
- Representation search for Waterbeach - Designation of Neighbourhood Area - June 2015
- Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
- Representation search for Cambridge Northern Fringe East AAP - Issues and Options
- Forewords
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Vision
- 3. Development Objectives
- 4. Area Action Plan Boundary
- 5. Planning Policy Context
- 6. Site Context and Constraints
- 7. Development Principles
- 8. Redevelopment Options
- 9. Policy Options
- 10. Infrastructure and Delivery
- Appendix 1 - Local Plan Policies
- Appendix 2 - Evidence Base Documents
- Appendix 3 - Glossary
- CNFE - Scoping Report
- Representation search for CNFE - Scoping Report
- CNFE AAP - Interim Sustainability Appraisal Report
- Representation search for CNFE AAP - Interim Sustainability Appraisal Report
- Gamlingay - Designation of Neighbourhood Area (November 2014) - revised consultation
- Representation search for Gamlingay - Designation of Neighbourhood Area (November 2014) - revised consultation
- Gamlingay - Designation of Neighbourhood Area (September 2014)
- Representation search for Gamlingay - Designation of Neighbourhood Area (September 2014)
- Histon and Impington - Designation of Neighbourhood Area (July 2014)
- Representation search for Histon and Impington - Designation of Neighbourhood Area (July 2014)
- Draft Affordable Housing SPD
- Representation search for Draft Affordable Housing SPD
- 1. The Affordable Housing SPD
- 2. Planning Policy Context
- 3. Delivering Affordable Housing
- 4. Site Layout and Distribution
- 5. Building Design
- 6. Other Forms of Residential Accomodation
- 7. Occupancy
- 8. Implementation and Monitoring
- Appendix 1. Local Plan Policy
- Appendix 2. Financial Contributions
- Appendix 3. Checklist for Viability Assessment Review, Indicative Information Requirements
- Appendix 4. Affordable Housing Checklist
- Appendix 5. Contact Details
- Appendix 6. Cambridge Sub-Regional Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- Draft Planning Obligations SPD
- Representation search for Draft Planning Obligations SPD
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Legislative and Policy Background
- 3. Cambridge City Council Approach to Planning Obligations and CIL
- Representations made against 3.1 Scope of contributions
- Representations made against 3.2 Planning Decisions
- Representations made against 3.3 Planning Conditions
- Representations made against 3.4 Planning Obligations
- Representations made against 3.5 S.278 Agreements
- Representations made against 3.6 The Cambridge Community Infrastructure Levy
- Representations made against 3.7 Obligation Types
- 4. Transport
- 5. Open Space and Recreation
- 6. Waste recycling
- 7. Public Art
- 8. Public Realm
- 9. Natural Environment
- 10. Other potential development specific requirements
- 11. Implementation
- Appendix 1
- Appendix 2 - Draft Regulation 123 List
- Appendix 3 - Viability appraisal review information requirements