
South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan Submission version

Representation ID: 200096

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

Anglian Water has previously submitted comments on the pre-submission version (Reg 14) of the South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan.

Overall, we are supportive of the policy ambitions within the neighbourhood plan. I can confirm, we have no further comments to make and wish the neighbourhood plan group every success in taking this forward.

Full text:

Dear Jonathan,

Anglian Water has previously submitted comments on the pre-submission version (Reg 14) of the South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan.

Overall, we are supportive of the policy ambitions within the neighbourhood plan. I can confirm, we have no further comments to make and wish the neighbourhood plan group every success in taking this forward.

I should be grateful if you could acknowledge receipt of this representation and keep me updated on further progress made on the neighbourhood plan.