
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56473

Received: 02/11/2021

Respondent: Mrs Margaret Starkie

Representation Summary:

Endorse in general the proposed policy direction especially to enable the development of the airport site. However, the delivery of only 2,900 homes out of the proposed 7,000 by 2041 appears lacking in ambition. Of those 2,900 homes preference should be given to affordable and social housing to ensure housing available for the employment mix proposed. The council should support Marshall Holdings to bring forward their relocation of airside activities to Cranfield Airport to release brownfield land for housing and employment development, especially that of affordable housing which is a priority in this part of Cambridge.
The mix of employment uses needs to be scrutinised in the light of post-Covid working and living conditions.
It will be important to retain the individual character of Teversham village and prevent encroachment on the Green Belt. The maintenance of the green corridor widening out at Teversham to provide a green separation as adopted in the 2010 Local Plan must be retained. The proposal for relocating Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant to an area of unspoiled Green Belt at Homey Hill between the villages of Horningsea and Fen Ditton does not accord with the policy’s intention to provide additional wildlife habitat as part of Eastern Fens green infrastructure initiative. It is also contrary to Policy GP/GB
The policy proposals should not depend on complete integration with or extension to the proposed North East Cambridge Area Action plan which predicates on the relocation of Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant to an area of Green Belt at Honey Hill which is the subject of a Development Consent Order.

Full text:

Endorse in general the proposed policy direction especially to enable the development of the airport site. However, the delivery of only 2,900 homes out of the proposed 7,000 by 2041 appears lacking in ambition. Of those 2,900 homes preference should be given to affordable and social housing to ensure housing available for the employment mix proposed. The council should support Marshall Holdings to bring forward their relocation of airside activities to Cranfield Airport to release brownfield land for housing and employment development, especially that of affordable housing which is a priority in this part of Cambridge.
The mix of employment uses needs to be scrutinised in the light of post-Covid working and living conditions.
It will be important to retain the individual character of Teversham village and prevent encroachment on the Green Belt. The maintenance of the green corridor widening out at Teversham to provide a green separation as adopted in the 2010 Local Plan must be retained. The proposal for relocating Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant to an area of unspoiled Green Belt at Homey Hill between the villages of Horningsea and Fen Ditton does not accord with the policy’s intention to provide additional wildlife habitat as part of Eastern Fens green infrastructure initiative. It is also contrary to Policy GP/GB
The policy proposals should not depend on complete integration with or extension to the proposed North East Cambridge Area Action plan which predicates on the relocation of Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant to an area of Green Belt at Honey Hill which is the subject of a Development Consent Order.