
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56474

Received: 02/11/2021

Respondent: Mrs Margaret Starkie

Representation Summary:

Object to parts of the policy. The area is described as a significant brownfield site. This is not correct as it is occupied by commercial buildings. It can only become brownfield if vacated by relocating the Cambridge Wastewater Treatment Plant to Honey Hill, an area of green belt, and therefore contrary to Policy GP/GB Protection and Enhancement of the Cambridge Green Belt. The relocation depends on a successful DCO and therefore this policy cannot come into effect if the application fails. The policy should consider a " Plan B" with fewer dwellings, less commercial especially as the policy also fails to take into account the changed working and living conditions resulting from the Covid 19 pandemic. The increased densification also appears to be contrary to Policy GP/GB. As the policy states that only 4000 dwellings will be accomplished during the local plan period, and there is no operational need to relocate the plant, the relocation of the plant and the consequential damage to the Green Belt, it's not necessary and the North East Cambridge Area Action Plan and this policy should be reconsidered.

Full text:

Object to parts of the policy. The area is described as a significant brownfield site. This is not correct as it is occupied by commercial buildings. It can only become brownfield if vacated by relocating the Cambridge Wastewater Treatment Plant to Honey Hill, an area of green belt, and therefore contrary to Policy GP/GB Protection and Enhancement of the Cambridge Green Belt. The relocation depends on a successful DCO and therefore this policy cannot come into effect if the application fails. The policy should consider a " Plan B" with fewer dwellings, less commercial especially as the policy also fails to take into account the changed working and living conditions resulting from the Covid 19 pandemic. The increased densification also appears to be contrary to Policy GP/GB. As the policy states that only 4000 dwellings will be accomplished during the local plan period, and there is no operational need to relocate the plant, the relocation of the plant and the consequential damage to the Green Belt, it's not necessary and the North East Cambridge Area Action Plan and this policy should be reconsidered.