
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56491

Received: 08/11/2021

Respondent: Mr David & Brian Searle

Agent: Brown & Co Barfords

Representation Summary:

The current settlement boundary along Bourn Road at Caxton is out of date as it does not represent the context of the current planning history on the southern side of Bourn Road. Planning permission has been granted for a dwelling and garage between 20 and 30 Bourn Road (LPA Ref: S/4069/19/FL) which is being built out and a replacement dwelling and a garage at 30 Bourn Road (LPA Ref: S/4023/18/FL) which remains extant and has been confirmed through a Certificate of Lawfulness (LPA Ref: 21/02839/CLUED) with this dwelling being replaced and moved further east. Given the houses on the opposite side of the road are in the settlement boundary, the settlement boundary should be redrawn as a minimum to include the land to the west of the Telephone Exchange and wrap around the new replacement dwelling of 30 Bourn Road to match the houses on the northern side of
Bourn Road.

Full text:

The current settlement boundary along Bourn Road at Caxton is out of date as it does not represent the context of the current planning history on the southern side of Bourn Road. Planning permission has been granted for a dwelling and garage between 20 and 30 Bourn Road (LPA Ref: S/4069/19/FL) which is being built out and a replacement dwelling and a garage at 30 Bourn Road (LPA Ref: S/4023/18/FL) which remains extant and has been confirmed through a Certificate of Lawfulness (LPA Ref: 21/02839/CLUED) with this dwelling being replaced and moved further east. Given the houses on the opposite side of the road are in the settlement boundary, the settlement boundary should be redrawn as a minimum to include the land to the west of the Telephone Exchange and wrap around the new replacement dwelling of 30 Bourn Road to match the houses on the northern side of
Bourn Road.