
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56494

Received: 10/11/2021

Respondent: Mr Dave Clay

Representation Summary:

Great to see the Cambourne development. Please ensure the following is in place:
- Overall priority throughout Cambourne to cyclists and pedestrians at every junction, including at roundabouts and safe places (zebra crossings) to cross. Increase the cycle lanes /pavement widths, introduce traffic calming on major roads. Make it pleasant, safe, easy and quick to get anywhere within Cambourne by bike or foot. This will drive sustainability within Cambourne and reduce the many car journeys which are made within Cambourne by car. Provide significantly more zebra crossings so that roads can be crossed safely. There are a few (3 zebra crossings) but nowhere near enough. The increased traffic at school opening and closing times is increasingly making it unsafe for children and young people to make their way to school. This problem will grow with the proposed (and welcomed further development) so additional crossings and cycle paths need to be in place first. For example, entrance to the secondary school is from lower cambourne - which is about 2x the straight line distance from upper Cambourne - pedestrian and cycle crossing needed across the busy cambourne road, another crossing near the sports centre on Back lane which would then provide a direct route.
- Include and extend the existing nature trails and many parks to include the new development. The existing nature trails and lakes are brilliant and enjoyed every day. The concept of parks and surrounding nature trails should be part of the development on Bourn airfield.
- Provide a swimming pool
- Provide lighted cycling trails around Cambourne, to surrounding villages and all the way into Cambridge (the distance into Cambridge is easily rideable especially with an e-bike but much of it is on main roads - cycle path needed between Cambourne and Madingley)
- Additional retail opportunities. For example, the nearest DIY shop is miles away in Cambridge or St Neots.
- Ensure that additional schools, primary and secondary are built before the new development - schools are already at capacity
- Employment opportunities have not grown in line with the number of people so increased development will result in additional commuting. E.g., set up Cambourne as a centre for innovation and design for green technology

Full text:

Great to see the Cambourne development. Please ensure the following is in place:
- Overall priority throughout Cambourne to cyclists and pedestrians at every junction, including at roundabouts and safe places (zebra crossings) to cross. Increase the cycle lanes /pavement widths, introduce traffic calming on major roads. Make it pleasant, safe, easy and quick to get anywhere within Cambourne by bike or foot. This will drive sustainability within Cambourne and reduce the many car journeys which are made within Cambourne by car. Provide significantly more zebra crossings so that roads can be crossed safely. There are a few (3 zebra crossings) but nowhere near enough. The increased traffic at school opening and closing times is increasingly making it unsafe for children and young people to make their way to school. This problem will grow with the proposed (and welcomed further development) so additional crossings and cycle paths need to be in place first. For example, entrance to the secondary school is from lower cambourne - which is about 2x the straight line distance from upper Cambourne - pedestrian and cycle crossing needed across the busy cambourne road, another crossing near the sports centre on Back lane which would then provide a direct route.
- Include and extend the existing nature trails and many parks to include the new development. The existing nature trails and lakes are brilliant and enjoyed every day. The concept of parks and surrounding nature trails should be part of the development on Bourn airfield.
- Provide a swimming pool
- Provide lighted cycling trails around Cambourne, to surrounding villages and all the way into Cambridge (the distance into Cambridge is easily rideable especially with an e-bike but much of it is on main roads - cycle path needed between Cambourne and Madingley)
- Additional retail opportunities. For example, the nearest DIY shop is miles away in Cambridge or St Neots.
- Ensure that additional schools, primary and secondary are built before the new development - schools are already at capacity
- Employment opportunities have not grown in line with the number of people so increased development will result in additional commuting. E.g., set up Cambourne as a centre for innovation and design for green technology