
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56507

Received: 15/11/2021

Respondent: Mr Michael Tansini

Representation Summary:

Please prioritise the build of new swimming pool in or near Cambridge
* Alleviate capacity and reduce traffic to existing central based public pools from Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire residents
* Reduce reliance on more expensive private pools
* Proactively meet sporting/exercise/health needs of growing young population
* Provide amenities to new communities regardless of wealth where development is still overwhelmingly residential
* Meet sporting needs identified in Greater Cambridge Local Plan topic paper

Full text:

Please urgently consider and accelerate the construction of new swimming pools in and outside Cambridge
* Cambridge's swimming pools are overcapacity
* Many people in South Cambridgeshire travel into Cambridge due to lack of capacity within South Cambridgeshire, building pools in these areas reduces traffic
* Historically many areas of Cambridge do not have local wide-use public pool facilities (Cherry Hinton, Arbury/King's Hedges, Eddington etc.)
* Other swimming pools are private, or attached to colleges with more limited opening hours, and more expensive meaning that lower socioeconomic groups are priced out
* Cambridge's swimming pools are predominantly central - building ones near housing expansion (Eddington, Cambourne, Northstowe etc.) would reduce traffic in central areas as well as serving local communities
* Cambridge's and South Cambridgeshire's rapidly expanding population mean pressure on these facilities will only increase
* Greater Cambridge Local Plan Topic Paper - Wellbeing and Social Inclusion identifies the need for 'at least one' 6 lane 25 metre swimming pool to be built in or near Cambridge urgently before 2031