
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56689

Received: 30/11/2021

Respondent: Dave Fox

Representation Summary:

Further to my comment ID: 56688 about soil organic carbon in allotments etc., if we plan new market gardens, then their contribution to carbon storage should also be recognised.

Further, SOC is greatest on land using compost, mulches, green manures, rock dust, biochar, no-dig and surface tillage, so there is scope for increasing this already positive contribution to carbon storage by promoting these methods, or even requiring them where that is in the power of the councils.

There must be a corresponding contribution from arable farmland managed using these methods, though perhaps that is outside the scope of this plan.

Full text:

Further to my comment ID: 56688 about soil organic carbon in allotments etc., if we plan new market gardens, then their contribution to carbon storage should also be recognised.

Further, SOC is greatest on land using compost, mulches, green manures, rock dust, biochar, no-dig and surface tillage, so there is scope for increasing this already positive contribution to carbon storage by promoting these methods, or even requiring them where that is in the power of the councils.

There must be a corresponding contribution from arable farmland managed using these methods, though perhaps that is outside the scope of this plan.