
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56806

Received: 05/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Mark Colville

Representation Summary:

Development of this site makes sense, but some care is needed to ensure mistakes of the development around Cambridge's main railway station are not repeated.

Full text:

Whilst the North East Cambridge site is clearly key to meeting the targeted number of homes by offering 3900 homes, care needs to be taken to ensure that, given the site's proximity to Cambridge North station, that it does not become another area housing largely London commuters and not addressing the housing need relating to local jobs. The area around Cambridge's main railway station, which has been developed heavily in recent years, appears to have become a very seedy area largely filled with small flats and inhabited by those with no ties to the area and jobs in London. High priced flats are supported by London salaries, but do little to address local housing needs. The same mistakes need to be avoided with this site