
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56959

Received: 09/12/2021

Respondent: Steven and Deanna Jevon and Raven

Agent: Cheffins

Representation Summary:

R/O 89 Rampton Road, Cottenham (HELAA site 59330)

The settlement boundary of Cottenham should be redrawn to reflect the changes that are currently taking place to the west of the settlement following the permissions under references S/2413/17/OL and S/1606/16/OL. These residential developments are both under construction and therefore should be included as part of the settlement boundary.

Full text:

It is noted that the Council intends to redraw the settlement boundaries under Policy S/SB. The settlement boundary of Cottenham should be redrawn to reflect the changes that are currently taking place to the west of the settlement following the permissions under references S/2413/17/OL and S/1606/16/OL. These residential developments are both under construction and therefore should be included as part of the settlement boundary.

Once the settlement boundary is redrawn, there is one remaining parcel of undeveloped land which would be incorporated into the settlement boundary. The land to the rear of 89 Rampton Road, Cottenham (as shown on the attached plan reference SK-1-101). This leftover parcel should be allowed to come forward for residential development and could provide for a need which is currently unmet in terms of self-build plots. Although at early design stages, it is anticipated that the site could accommodate 7 self-build plots (see attached indicative site plan reference SK-1-101).

The site is suitable for development, located within an existing residential area in walking distance from the services and facilities within Cottenham. Safe and suitable access to the site is available (as shown on Site Plan SK-1-101) through the Persimmon development adjacent to the site which is currently under construction. The site is available for development now with support from both landowners as evidenced through the attached letters of support and land registry documents demonstrating ownership. The site is also achievable, as there are no foreseen abnormal costs associated with this land. The site therefore meets the tests of deliverability as set out within the NPPF.

As part of this consultation, the site has been put forward as per the Council’s request for potential sites under reference NNZRHQVR which provides further details regarding the site.
