
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 56966

Received: 09/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Colin Archibald

Representation Summary:

Regarding S/CBC/E2 and S/CBC/A. These should not be converted from Green Belt. This is urban sprawl which belt is meant to prevent. Out of keeping with area and easy decision for South Cambs as relieves need to find 990 homes in other sites.
In 2018 soft edge of city was cycle path and should be defended.
Fields are flood plan and do flood. Where will excess water go?
Fields are crossed and surrounded by paths and hedgerows supporting biodiversity. This loss does not sit with the Stated Vision.
Historic and popular Ninewells Nature Reserve will disappear if area is developed.

Full text:

Regarding S/CBC/E2 and S/CBC/A. These should not be converted from Green Belt. This is urban sprawl which belt is meant to prevent. Out of keeping with area and easy decision for South Cambs as relieves need to find 990 homes in other sites.
In 2018 soft edge of city was cycle path and should be defended.
Fields are flood plan and do flood. Where will excess water go?
Fields are crossed and surrounded by paths and hedgerows supporting biodiversity. This loss does not sit with the Stated Vision.
Historic and popular Ninewells Nature Reserve will disappear if area is developed.