
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57037

Received: 09/12/2021

Respondent: Dr William Harrold

Representation Summary:

Cambourne needs better public transport. This should be solved using the GCP City Deal scheme. EWR has not published business case, is a sledge hammer to crack a nut and will cause unnecessary environmental damage CO2 emissions and planning blight with the emerging preferred route and associated housing around EWR stations. If EWR is built it needs follow the CBRR route and by built in a trench were possible.

Full text:

Cambourne needs better public transport. This should be solved using the GCP City Deal scheme. EWR has not published business case, is a sledge hammer to crack a nut and will cause unnecessary environmental damage CO2 emissions and planning blight with the emerging preferred route and associated housing around EWR stations. If EWR is built it needs follow the CBRR route and by built in a trench were possible.