
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57106

Received: 09/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Julian Francis

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

Land at Ditton Lane at junction with High Ditch Road, Fen Ditton (HELAA site 48148)

The strategy for the edge of Cambridge is focussed on the delivery of strategic allocations, but ignores the sustainable villages such as Fen Ditton that are also located in this area. It is considered that the growth of the more sustainable villages must be part of the development strategy for emerging GCLP, and particularly those villages that contain a good range of services and facilities, are accessible by a range of modes of transport, and where there is an identified need for affordable housing for those with a local connection to the village.

It is requested that the development strategy for the edge of Cambridge includes an additional residential allocation in Fen Ditton at land off Ditton Lane.

Full text:

Section 2.3: Edge of Cambridge


The strategy for the edge of Cambridge is focussed on the delivery of strategic allocations, but ignores the sustainable villages such as Fen Ditton that are also located in this area. It is considered that the growth of the more sustainable villages must be part of the development strategy for emerging GCLP, and particularly those villages that contain a good range of services and facilities, are accessible by a range of modes of transport, and where there is an identified need for affordable housing for those with a local connection to the village.

Paragraph 79 of the NPPF seeks to promote sustainable development in rural areas and acknowledges that housing can enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities and support local services. Paragraph 69 acknowledges the role that small and medium sized sites can make towards meeting the housing requirements, and that such sites are often built-out relatively quickly. Paragraph 104 expects transport issues to be considered at the earliest stages of plan-making, and includes opportunities to promote walking, cycling and public transport use.

As set out in the representations to Policy S/DS: Development Strategy small scale housing allocations should be made in the more sustainable villages such as Fen Ditton for the following reasons: it is accessible by walking, cycling and public transport to services and facilities and employment opportunities, including within Cambridge; there is a need to support the existing services and facilities within the village; and, and there is a current identified need for 12 affordable dwellings in Fen Ditton for those with a local connection to the village, which would not be met via other means.

Mr Francis’ representations to the assessment of the land off Ditton Lane in Fen Ditton in the HELAA (Site Ref. 48148) comment on the potential constraints identified with the promoted development and explain how those constraints would be addressed. In summary, the land off Ditton Lane does not meet the criteria for designation as an Important Countryside Frontage because there are no views of the surrounding countryside and existing and planned development will further erode any relationship with the countryside. It is considered that with careful design and layout, and by locating development towards the southern part of the site, it would be possible to avoid impacts on heritage assets.

Requested Change

It is requested that the development strategy for the edge of Cambridge includes an additional residential allocation in Fen Ditton at land off Ditton Lane, with the following policy requirements:

• Site Area of 0.7 Ha
• Capacity for approx. 12 dwellings, including affordable housing
• Retain trees and hedgerows within site boundary
• Design and layout to protect and enhance heritage assets
• Development located on southern part of site only
• Northern part of site retained as open space