
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57107

Received: 09/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Julian Francis

Agent: Carter Jonas

Representation Summary:

It is requested that the Important Countryside Frontage designation on Ditton Lane and High Ditch Road in Fen Ditton is reviewed because it does not meet the definition for this designation. It is considered that the Important Countryside Frontage should be deleted in this location.

Full text:


The frontage of the site owned by Mr Francis on Ditton Lane and High Ditch Road in Fen Ditton is designated as an Important Countryside Frontage in the adopted South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018 -see Policy NH/13. As set out in Policy NH/13, “Important Countryside Frontages are defined where land with a strong countryside character either: a. Penetrates or sweeps into the built-up area providing a significant connection between the street scene and the surrounding rural area; or b. Provides an important rural break between two nearby but detached parts of a development framework”.

It is considered that the land off Ditton Lane does not meet the definition of Important Countryside Frontage. The development framework is not detached in this location, and all of the neighbouring residential buildings on the eastern and western side of Ditton Lane fall within the framework boundary. The surrounding rural area is not visible from the site, and therefore there cannot be a ‘significant connection’ with the rural area. The trees on the eastern boundary of the site prevent views of the surrounding rural area and would be retained as part of the promoted development, and those trees located beyond the site boundary are also likely to be retained. The proposed Wing Development at Cambridge East is located to the south-east of Fen Ditton, and will further erode any relationship between the land off Ditton Lane and the surrounding countryside and rural area in this direction; the illustrative masterplan for the Wing Development is attached to show the location of built development. It is requested that the Important Countryside Frontage designation on Ditton Lane and High Ditch Road in Fen Ditton should be reviewed and deleted.

In addition, there are a variety of designations that prevent or limit the opportunity for development in Fen Ditton, including the Green Belt, the Conservation Area, Listed Buildings, and Local Green Space. The Important Countryside Frontage designation adds a further policy layer preventing the delivery of development in those villages where it applies.

It is considered that a suitably designed development located at the southern part of the land off Ditton Lane in Fen Ditton would protect and retain the character of the site frontage, protect the setting of heritage assets, and provide additional landscaping at the site boundary. This approach would allow for some small-scale growth at Fen Ditton to meet housing and identified affordable housing needs.

Requested Change

It is requested that the Important Countryside Frontage designation on Ditton Lane and High Ditch Road in Fen Ditton is reviewed because it does not meet the definition for this designation. It is considered that the Important Countryside Frontage should be deleted in this location.