
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57119

Received: 09/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Peter Bird

Representation Summary:

Request for further use of journey budgets to determine housing numbers in rural areas. Request for growth of individual properties to be taken into account when assessing appropriate housing densities.

Full text:

In the previous SCDC Local Plan a density in rural sites was limited to 30 dwellings per hectare. I am glad to see that you have gone away from this strict prescription. You are still tied up with "most efficient use of the land" which I interpret to mean that car parking spaces will not be considered "efficient". For stability and community cohesion, competition for common car parking spaces is undesirable. Journey budgets are a very useful concept as it puts further restraint on development of rural villages which, of necessity, result in high journey budgets. Your own figures support this. Thus I would like to see journey budgets with some numbers on which should be considered when applications for development are being submitted.

When you refer to weighing the growth potential of a development, I don't see that you are evaluating the growth potential of each individual plot within a site. If a community is to become stable, each householder needs sufficient room for extensions, conservatories and the like otherwise, with growing children they may have to move if they can't afford the prices of trading up on their particular estate.