
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57130

Received: 09/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Margaret Majidi

Representation Summary:

Ref S/CBC/A field is entirely unsuitble due to within Green Belt in v appealing rural edge to city approach.
Mixed use buildings several stories high out of character.
Wildlife in peril. Concreting farmland does zero for climate change!
Planners know of waterlogging issues and unsuitablity of site.
John Meed report fully supported and requires attention.
Ninewell estate would be hemmed in by CBC overdevelopment.
Waterlogged field under chalk escarpment entirely unsuitable.
No exceptional circumstances exist for this proposed green belt grab so please reject to let nature breathe as it should.

Full text:

With reference to the Local Plan with regard to the land marked S/CBC/A i was pleased to see that the planners consider the site unsuitable for development. It is wholly within the Green belt and in a very appealing rural area on the very edge of the city. Were development to be permitted it would result in several high rise commercial structures
Totally out of character with the surroundings. The Ninewells estate, having been marketed as the soft edge of the
city, would be hemmed in by the CBC, farmland concreted over and wildlife gone forever. Nature is not unlimited and does not always bounce back.
The wildlife seen everyday on and around the field, would be gone as John Meed so eloquently affirms in his report. It beggars belief that Cllr Hawkins suggests that this proposed building on the green belt in any way promotes climate change. The planners know that the field goes beyong waterlogged after heavy rain, in fact last winter it was in places submerged for many can be supplied.
The field is entirely unsuitable for development and there are no exceptional circumstances to permit it.