
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57153

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Dr John Nilsson-Wright

Representation Summary:

I am strongly opposed to the expansion of the Addenbrooks site. The proposed area of development is an area of natural beauty and the environmental costs will be deleterious to the quality of life for what was supposed to be maintained as a protected greenfield site. Water security, flooding risks, agricultural and environmental needs, along with the existence of alternative, more suitable brown field sites north of Cambridge, militate against any further development around Ninewells.

Full text:

I am strongly opposed to the expansion of the Addenbrooks site. The proposed area of development is an area of natural beauty and the environmental costs will be deleterious to the quality of life for what was supposed to be maintained as a protected greenfield site. Water security, flooding risks, agricultural and environmental needs, along with the existence of alternative, more suitable brown field sites north of Cambridge, militate against any further development around Ninewells.