
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57185

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Southern & Regional Developments Ltd

Agent: Claremont Planning Consultancy

Representation Summary:

Some level of market housing should be allowed where it can be justified. This market housing should not be restricted to custom and self-build housing but open market housing should be allowed to ensure that a viable development can come forward. This policy should not restrict rural exception sites or First Home exception sites within the Green Belt as these locations are often ideally placed for this type of development particularly when located adjacent to settlements in the rural area.

Full text:

A policy for rural exception sites and First Homes exception sites is supported as this is a way of meeting affordable housing requirements. In order for these to be viable however some level of market housing should be allowed where it can be justified. This market housing should not be restricted to custom and self-build housing but open market housing should be allowed to ensure that a viable development can come forward. This policy should not restrict rural exception sites or First Home exception sites within the Green Belt as these locations are often ideally placed for this type of development particularly when located adjacent to settlements in the rural area.