
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57200

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Roger Cowell

Agent: Phillips Planning Services Limited

Representation Summary:

Land at Hazelwood Farm, Lolworth (HELAA site 52680)

Development at Hazlewell Court will allow for new employment opportunities in a variety of sectors, creating jobs for local people and helping to boost the Greater Cambridge economy.

The site is also an established rural business park, and there is an opportunity for this provision to be expanded. This small scale employment provision can also act as incubator units to help new businesses grow and we see this as a complementary role to the proposed larger scale commercial proposals at Slate Hall Farm, Bar Hill (Site URN 236).

Full text:

The proposal at land at Hazlewell Court Bar Road, Lolworth (Site URN 676) will support the objective for businesses to invest, expand, and adapt as set out in the NPPF.

As of 2021, 2,800 people in Cambridge alone were unemployed. In order to help resolve this issue, there is a need for new local jobs in the Greater Cambridge Area.

Development at Hazlewell Court will allow for new employment opportunities in a variety of sectors, creating jobs for local people and helping to boost the Greater Cambridge economy.

The site is also an established rural business park, and there is an opportunity for this provision to be expanded. This small scale employment provision can also act as incubator units to help new businesses grow and we see this as a complementary role to the proposed larger scale commercial proposals at Slate Hall Farm, Bar Hill (Site URN 236).