
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57470

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Colegrove Estates

Agent: PJB Planning

Representation Summary:

Policy H/ES supports exception sites in appropriate locations, typically adjoining existing settlements, and that are proportionate in scale to those settlements where there is an identified need. This approach is supported, but does need to be reflected in the wording of the policy and not create a reduced limit on the numbers allowed on sites adjoining Group Villages.

In support of such a policy approach is proposed development on land south of Lanacre, Chrishall Road, Fowlmere. The site is 3.39 hectares and capacity for 26 No. affordable houses, with 6 No. private dwellings to support the viability of the scheme.

Full text:

Policy H/ES supports exception sites in appropriate locations, typically adjoining existing settlements, and that are proportionate in scale to those settlements where there is an identified need. This approach is supported, but does need to be reflected in the wording of the policy and not create a reduced limit on the numbers allowed on sites adjoining Group Villages.

In support of such a policy approach is a proposed development on land south of Lanacre, Chrishall Road, Fowlmere. This site has previously been put forward through the Call for Sites (Site URN ref 450). The site area is 3.39 hectares and has capacity for 26 No. affordable houses, with 6 No. private dwellings to support the viability of the scheme.

An indicative masterplan layout is included with this submission showing a low density development that reflects a sensitive transition from the more urban village area out towards open countryside.

Fowlmere is identified as a Group Village, but has services and facilities including a primary school, village hall and store, church, and a number of businesses. It also has a bus service to the surrounding area and Cambridge. The village therefore has very good sustainability credentials which would support a Rural Exception scheme. It has also been demonstrated through a 2020 Housing Need Survey that the village requires the delivery of 38 affordable homes, which this scheme would go a significant way to meeting.

Taking into account the sustainability credentials of the scheme and village, this form of Rural Exception site at land south of Lanacre, Chrishall Road, Fowlmere should be supported by Policy H/ES.