
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57528

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Henry d'Abo

Agent: Pegasus Group

Representation Summary:

To support economic growth, innovation and to strengthen the strategic role and reputation of Greater Cambridge it is vital that the policies are drafted with sufficient flexibility.

The opportunity to provide a world-class bio-medical facility (and employment opportunities) should not be hindered by a site’s location outside of a settlement boundary/development framework. Sufficient flexibility and criteria should be built into policy to allow the benefits of a proposal to be balanced against any conflict with policy in this regard, particularly where it meets high standards of sustainability.

Full text:

It is acknowledged that the Councils are still in the process of drafting these policies, however, in order to support economic growth, innovation and to strengthen the strategic role and reputation of Greater Cambridge it is vital that the policies are drafted with sufficient flexibility. The following matters should be taken into account to ensure that growth and opportunity are supported by local planning policy:

- The opportunity to provide a world-class bio-medical facility (and employment opportunities) should not be hindered by a site’s location outside of a settlement boundary/development framework. Sufficient flexibility and criteria should be built into policy to allow the benefits of a proposal to be balanced against any conflict with policy in this regard, particularly where it meets high standards of sustainability.

- The economic and wider needs case for bringing forward a bio-medical facility (and employment opportunities) should be afforded great weight in the determination of a planning application.

- The re-use of previously developed land for employment purposes should be given great weight in the determination of planning applications for employment use.

- The ability to bring forward an innovative and comprehensive manifesto of sustainable travel measures to support a proposal in the rural area should be given great weight. Councils must think creatively and look beyond a site’s rural location when making site allocations for employment uses and determining planning applications. Significant world-class bio-medical facilities can be supported by a range of innovative travel sustainable solutions and have a significant element of remote working which reduces the need to travel all together.

- Proposals for employment uses which also provide associated land uses such as shops, creche and cafés should be supported, where these uses are open to the wider community. Such proposals will deliver significant community benefit and improve the sustainability credentials of the local area.