
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57529

Received: 10/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Henry d'Abo

Agent: Pegasus Group

Representation Summary:

The future planning policy on this issue should acknowledge that all established settlements are capable of supporting Exceptions Sites as long as they are proportionate in scale.

Full text:

Delivering new affordable housing is vital to support the prosperity local communities and economic growth. The GCLP’s ‘proposed policy direction’ on this matter confirms that a small amount of market housing will be allowed on Exception Sites where it can be justified on viability or deliverability grounds. This approach is supported by our client as providing a proportion of market housing plays an important role in enabling Exception Sites to come forward.

The future planning policy on this issue should acknowledge that all established settlements are capable of supporting Exceptions Sites as long as they are proportionate in scale. Our client’s sites at Weston Colville, Weston Green and West Wratting all have an active role to play in providing proportionate levels of market and affordable housing and delivering a legacy of the local community.