
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57607

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Mr J Pratt

Representation Summary:

The council should support Marshalls to move soon to release brownfield land especially for affordable housing as a priority.
It will be important to prevent encroachment on the Green Belt. The proposal for relocating CWWTP to unspoiled Green Belt at Honey Hill does not accord with the policy’s intention to provide additional wildlife habitat as part of Eastern Fens green infrastructure initiative. It is also contrary to Policy GP/GB
The policy proposals should not depend on the proposed NECAAP predicated on the relocation of CWWTP to Green Belt which is the subject of a DCO application.

Full text:

The council should support Marshalls to move soon to release brownfield land especially for affordable housing as a priority.
It will be important to prevent encroachment on the Green Belt. The proposal for relocating CWWTP to unspoiled Green Belt at Honey Hill does not accord with the policy’s intention to provide additional wildlife habitat as part of Eastern Fens green infrastructure initiative. It is also contrary to Policy GP/GB
The policy proposals should not depend on the proposed NECAAP predicated on the relocation of CWWTP to Green Belt which is the subject of a DCO application.