
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57695

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Jennifer Conroy

Representation Summary:

Not supported: mistakes have been made in the past with very High Density housing, typically achieved though ‘high rise’ with very limited Green Infrastructure. The impact on existing communities with a multiple increase in population size in such a small City as Cambridge (just 5 miles in diameter) is yet to be tested and could prove to be a major strategy error. If Cambridge loses ‘what is good to live here’(and visit) , the economic objectives may not be met as companies and people go elsewhere.

Full text:

Not supported: mistakes have been made in the past with very High Density housing, typically achieved though ‘high rise’ with very limited Green Infrastructure. The impact on existing communities with a multiple increase in population size in such a small City as Cambridge (just 5 miles in diameter) is yet to be tested and could prove to be a major strategy error. If Cambridge loses ‘what is good to live here’(and visit) , the economic objectives may not be met as companies and people go elsewhere.