
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57699

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Susan Wilkie

Representation Summary:

S/CBC/A. S/CBC/B/2 and the surrounding area offer biodiversity, home to many endangered species. Essential for local residents to have access to nature - vital for mental health. Plans to compensate on surrounding fields woefully inadequate. Increase in car journeys to access similar land further away - contribute to pollution and greenhouse effect.
Building on this land and will cause irreparable damage to wildilfe and natural resources and do absolutely nothing to improve the lives of local residents.

Full text:

S/CBC/A. S/CBC/B/2 and the surrounding area are extraordinarily rich in bird, mammal and plant biodiversity and home to many endangered species. We are already about to lose land of a similar nature and importance on both sides of Worts Causeway. Many local people use the area for leisure and contemplation - as the pandemic has shown, areas of natural beauty are vital to mental health. These are being pushed further and further beyond walking reach of the residents of Queen Edith's. Car journeys will be needed to access equivalent areas. The plans to implement measures to enhance biodiversity and green infrastructure on the field sloping up to White Hill will not provide sufficient space for wildlife nor for humans offering little in compensation for despoiling a beautiful area.