
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57826

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Martin Thom

Representation Summary:

I am opposed to the rationale of the Local Plan, which underestimates the climate emergency, failing to properly reflect the Desgupta report's understanding of sustainability and the economy; choosing to develop greenfield sites (thereby maximising carbon emissions) and not brownfield sites; adopting a cavalier attitude to the question of water supply; isolating the nine wells nature reserve rather than linking it up, eg. to the beech woods; undermining biodiversity (especially re. threatened bird species found locally); failing to develop an integrated transport system whose primary consideration is climate change.

This Plan should be rethought in light of the climate emergency.

Full text:

I am opposed to the rationale of the Local Plan, which underestimates the climate emergency, failing to properly reflect the Desgupta report's understanding of sustainability and the economy; choosing to develop greenfield sites (thereby maximising carbon emissions) and not brownfield sites; adopting a cavalier attitude to the question of water supply; isolating the nine wells nature reserve rather than linking it up, eg. to the beech woods; undermining biodiversity (especially re. threatened bird species found locally); failing to develop an integrated transport system whose primary consideration is climate change.

This Plan should be rethought in light of the climate emergency.