
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57961

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Elizabeth Davies

Representation Summary:

Environmental value sites need robust protection especially if also of recreational value. Policy should clarify that where environmental value is particular to its location e.g. its setting, part of network of green spaces,,or views it affords, cannot mitigated by a replacement offer elsewhere. Policy 67 insufficiently clear on this point-. Also Threatened with legal challenge as ineffective see 19/1734/FUL Clerk Maxwell. Plan should confirm existing Protected Open Space designations of sites previously assessed of environmental value. However Policy should make clear that sites of with environmental qualities unique to their location cannot be mitigated or replaced by relocation by elsewhere

Full text:

Environmental value sites need robust protection especially if also of recreational value. Policy should clarify that where environmental value is particular to its location e.g. its setting, part of network of green spaces,,or views it affords, cannot mitigated by a replacement offer elsewhere. Policy 67 insufficiently clear on this point-. Also Threatened with legal challenge as ineffective see 19/1734/FUL Clerk Maxwell. Plan should confirm existing Protected Open Space designations of sites previously assessed of environmental value. However Policy should make clear that sites of with environmental qualities unique to their location cannot be mitigated or replaced by relocation by elsewhere