
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57966

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Elizabeth Davies

Representation Summary:

Fully support the proposed policy direction. Para 5.3. of Topic paper also correctly identified the importance of keeping green corridors linking the city with the country. Particularly important in West Cambridge where the historic centre is linked to the countryside through a network of green spaces, natural, seminatural, college playing fields and large gardens are important to the visual amenity , character and setting of the city and policy should ensure its protection. Landscape Character Assessment also confirms that local open spaces such as college playing fields are supporting character of Cambridge, also the important views

Full text:

Fully support the proposed policy direction. Para 5.3. of Topic paper also correctly identified the importance of keeping green corridors linking the city with the country. Particularly important in West Cambridge where the historic centre is linked to the countryside through a network of green spaces, natural, seminatural, college playing fields and large gardens are important to the visual amenity , character and setting of the city and policy should ensure its protection. Landscape Character Assessment also confirms that local open spaces such as college playing fields are supporting character of Cambridge, also the important views