
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57969

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Elizabeth Davies

Representation Summary:

Support the policy aims here.
With the densification of development in Cambridge and pressure for development on vacant sites, including green sites of visual and other amenity and environmental value within the city, the importance of effective Conservation Area policy protection is ever more important to preserve those areas from inappropriate development which would damage the characteristics of the Conservation Area which the designation was made to preserve. This may require updating Conservation Area Appraisals.

Full text:

Support the policy aims here.
With the densification of development in Cambridge and pressure for development on vacant sites, including green sites of visual and other amenity and environmental value within the city, the importance of effective Conservation Area policy protection is ever more important to preserve those areas from inappropriate development which would damage the characteristics of the Conservation Area which the designation was made to preserve. This may require updating Conservation Area Appraisals.