
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57974

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Virginia Morrow

Representation Summary:

We welcome policy to control development that impacts the Cam, especially elements to 'ensure that location, scale and design of development protects and enhances the character, visual amenity and historic significance of river corridors... including in particular considering views to and from rivers'. ...'
However, we draw attention (for example) to the Novotel at Cambridge North Station which looms over the towpath towards Bait's Bite. A rooftop striplight glows very brightly from dusk. A high-rise block is under construction. How do these developments 'enhance the visual amenity'? What plans are there to mitigate the effects of bright lighting on biodiversity?

Full text:

We welcome policy to control development that impacts the Cam, especially elements to 'ensure that location, scale and design of development protects and enhances the character, visual amenity and historic significance of river corridors... including in particular considering views to and from rivers'. ...'
However, we draw attention (for example) to the Novotel at Cambridge North Station which looms over the towpath towards Bait's Bite. A rooftop striplight glows very brightly from dusk. A high-rise block is under construction. How do these developments 'enhance the visual amenity'? What plans are there to mitigate the effects of bright lighting on biodiversity?