
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 57990

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Jo Humphrey

Representation Summary:

This section remarks that "[the council] should provide accessible and all-weather exercise areas for all ages in green spaces." This should include skateparks! No skateparks in Cambridge are currently all-weather suitable due to lack of lights and rain coverings. Currently this means that skating is nearly a summer-only sport. Encouraging young people to spend time outdoors at all times of year is incredibly important for their mental and physical health, so a priority should be converting existing skateparks to be suitable for winter conditions (protected from rain, and/or suitable for use after dark. Darkness falls earlier than 4pm in winter!)

Full text:

This section remarks that "[the council] should provide accessible and all-weather exercise areas for all ages in green spaces." This should include skateparks! No skateparks in Cambridge are currently all-weather suitable due to lack of lights and rain coverings. Currently this means that skating is nearly a summer-only sport. Encouraging young people to spend time outdoors at all times of year is incredibly important for their mental and physical health, so a priority should be converting existing skateparks to be suitable for winter conditions (protected from rain, and/or suitable for use after dark. Darkness falls earlier than 4pm in winter!)