
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58083

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Christina Bendelack

Representation Summary:

S/RSC/HW Land between Hinton Way/Mingle Lane, Great Shelford
Greenbelt land. Already been deemed unsuitable for the Local Plan. Impact on greenbelt will adversely change character of village resulting in infill development. Purpose of greenbelt is to provide separation between communities.
Proposed access from Mingle Lane (narrow lane, 20mph zone) does not support development of 100 houses. Access onto Hinton Way will cause further traffic congestion on top of backed up traffic resulting from very busy level crossing.
High local opposition. No consideration given to already oversubscribed schools, GP surgeries and high local traffic.

Full text:

S/RSC/HW Land between Hinton Way/Mingle Lane, Great Shelford
Greenbelt land. Already been deemed unsuitable for the Local Plan. Impact on greenbelt will adversely change character of village resulting in infill development. Purpose of greenbelt is to provide separation between communities.
Proposed access from Mingle Lane (narrow lane, 20mph zone) does not support development of 100 houses. Access onto Hinton Way will cause further traffic congestion on top of backed up traffic resulting from very busy level crossing.
High local opposition. No consideration given to already oversubscribed schools, GP surgeries and high local traffic.