
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58115

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Mr Matthew Asplin

Representation Summary:

This Policy is not supported.
As noted by GCSP, no allocation was originally made at NEC due to uncertainty of WWTW relocation, therefore forward allocations are not dependent upon S/NEC.
The public cost of finance, Green belt loss to relocate a future proofed WWTW is not justified at this time, post COVID 19 as noted. The DCO decision is not until 2023? so inclusion appears premature.
The residential over densification is not appropriate as noted.
Policy S/NEC conflicts with policies; GP/LC, GP/LC, GP/GB, GP/HA, BG/GI, BG/RC, BG/EO, BG/PO, J/AL, WS/HS, CC/NZ, CC/CS as noted or as required by NPPF:

Full text:

This Policy is not supported.
As previously noted by GCSP prior to this First Proposal, no allocation was made at North East Cambridge due to uncertainty of the Waste Water Treatment relocation, which recognises that housing and jobs for the plan period and beyond are not dependent upon S/NEC.
The public cost in terms of finance and Green belt loss to relocate a fully operational and future proofed Waste Water Treatment Works is not justified at this time, post COVID 19 when the effects on housing and jobs remains unclear. The DCO decision is not due for a considerable time, yet S/NEC is still included prior to the outcome which appears premature.
The residential over densification is not appropriate at this location when considering the consequential effects, which do not appear to be included within the First Proposals document, alongside the other options available for housing and jobs within the plan period and beyond.
Policy S/NEC conflicts with the following policies, which also does not appear to be referenced in the First Proposals and therefore fails to provide a balanced view on proposed land use as required by the NPPF:
GP/LC: Protection and Enhancement of Landscape Character
GP/LC: Protection and enhancement of landscape character
GP/GB: Protection and enhancement of the Cambridge Green Belt
GP/HA: Conservation and enhancement of heritage assets
BG/GI: Green Infrastructure
BG/RC: River Corridors
BG/EO: Providing and enhancing open spaces
BG/PO: Protecting open spaces
J/AL: Protecting the best agricultural land
WS/HS: Pollution, Health and Safety
CC/NZ: Net Zero carbon buildings
CC/CS: Supporting land-based Carbon sequestration