
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58150

Received: 12/12/2021

Respondent: Ms Marielle Vigouroux

Representation Summary:

S/RSC/HW Land between Hinton Way/Mingle Lane, Great Shelford

I object to the development of this site based on the following grounds:
The proposed development lies on the Green Belt and needs exceptional circumstances to be released. I do not think the criteria have been met for this.
Detrimental environmental impact on the meadow
Increase traffic in the area, impact on the safety of children using Hinton Way and Mingle Lane to cycle to school
Increase pressure on local services

Full text:

This is with regards to
Site reference: S/RSC/HW
Name: Land between Hinton Way and Mingle Lane, Great Shelford

The proposed site lies within the Green Belt and has been considered in the past for development but later dismissed as unsuitable for. Release of Green Belt land only takes place under "exceptional circumstances" and in my opinion there isn't any new material that would justify this change of position.
The Green Belt is of considerable environment importance and impacting it would have major adverse effects. The meadow is rich with wildlife, home to many birds, including birds of prey as well as protected species such as newt.
Green Belt also "prevent communities in the environs of Cambridge from merging into one another" (extract from The Greater Cambridge Green Belt Assessment). This proposed development lies at the boundary of the parishes of Great Shelford and Stapleford and would contribute to the merging of the two villages.

The access of the proposed development from Mingle Lane is entirely unsuitable for such a large development of 100 houses. Mingle Lane is a 20mph restricted narrow road. Both my children cycle every week day through Mingle Lane, one to the Stapleford primary school, the other to Sawston Village College, as do hundreds of children and other cyclists everyday. I am extremely worried by the impact of the increased traffic on Mingle Lane on the safety of people's commute, not to mention the increase level of pollution that the increased level of traffic would cause. The railway crossing is also already extremely congested and any increase of traffic onto Hinton Way will cause further issues.

Finally the impact on local services (health services, schools) hasn't been clearly considered.