
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58164

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Dr Stephen Kennedy

Representation Summary:

The Biomedical Campus should not be allowed to sprawl half a mile to the east until it has filled in all the gaps - and utilised the helicopter landing area - in its current Campus. An efficient, high density development will be more effective than a sprawl. Use less space for car parks and keep cars off the Campus more effectively. Above all, don't allow a speculative sprawl now. Don't give permission that depends on conditions being met, but make it part of a future Local Plan with all of the consultation and consideration that entails.

Full text:

The Biomedical Campus should not be allowed to sprawl half a mile to the east until it has filled in all the gaps - and utilised the helicopter landing area - in its current Campus. An efficient, high density development will be more effective than a sprawl. Use less space for car parks and keep cars off the Campus more effectively. Above all, don't allow a speculative sprawl now. Don't give permission that depends on conditions being met, but make it part of a future Local Plan with all of the consultation and consideration that entails.