
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58282

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Mrs Hazel Smith

Representation Summary:

1. Road access to Fen Road Chesterton should be safeguarded
2. Formal sports pitches required onsite
3. Cemetery provision required
4. Relief for Milton Country Park

Full text:

Concern that the route for a road into Chesterton Fen across the railway should be planned in to the NECambridge plans so that it can be provided when Network Rail accept they have to close the Fen Road crossing.
NECambridge is now to provide the full informal open space on site, but it is not clear where the formal sports provision will be sited. Milton is still below the required acreage for sports pitches for its own population, and cannot be expected to absorb this population too. 
What provision is there for Cemetery space for NECambridge? This is bound up with governance questions. Milton provides a cemetery for its ratepayers. The City has the crematorium and burial ground there. If Milton is to have a liability then we need to have funding in the S106. 
Milton Country Park is taking too many visitors already, more informal recreation space is needed near Cambridge.