
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58419

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Dr Sara Marelli

Representation Summary:

Why do we need new research building when the current ones are empty?

Full text:

Please consider this as an additional comment to the one I have already sent yesterday, with ID:57830

The arguments in favour of releasing the Greenbelt have not been specified clearly. As a researcher currently working in the CBC, I do not see the need for extension and further building of the CBC, considering that

1) The old LMB has a lot of empty laboratory space
2) Same for the CIMR, or The Keith Peters Building
3) New buildings such as JCBC are also currently not working at full capacity (and this is *not* because of COVID!)

The bottleneck for filling the existing space is not the lack of housing, but rather research funding and possibly another kick-on effect of Brexit, a not insignificant hurdle to overcome for researchers considering a scientific career in the UK. These are all issues that need to be tackled at Government level rather than with a local plan!

Evidence for the need of new offices or research building needs to be *much better* assessed and presented. As it is, it feel just like an excuse to make profit only benefitting landowners and developers but not the general community.