
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58514

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: BDW Homes Cambridgeshire & The Landowners (Mr Currington, Mr Todd, Ms Douglas, Ms Jarvis, Mr Badcock & Ms Hartwell)

Agent: Optimis Consulting Ltd

Representation Summary:

Where these objectives can be demonstrated policy should make clear that this will carry significant weight in the consideration of the proposal.

Full text:

Policy GP/OP seeks to achieve high quality development. It requires that development be designed with communities in mind, namely to:
• Ensure that buildings are orientated to provide natural surveillance and maximise opportunities to create active ground floor uses;
• Create active edges on to public space by locating appropriate uses, as well as entrances and windows of habitable rooms next to the street;
• Use design to minimise adverse impact on neighbouring buildings and spaces in terms of privacy and overlooking, sunlight and daylight, overshadowing and other microclimate considerations, artificial lighting, vibration, noise, fumes and odour, and other forms of pollution;
• Introduce mixed uses proposals in a way that can benefit all occupants where appropriate, avoiding the mixing of incompatible uses.

The promotion of good design is supported. The Masterplan proposals accompanying these representations demonstrate the potential to deliver these objectives through the development of Land of Beach Road.