
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58574

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Dr Tumi Hawkins

Representation Summary:

The policy of exception sites on the edges of villages is a good one. What mechanism would be applied to assigning the home if the identified need at the time of the site allocation is less than the need at the time the site built out? Would there be cascading out to nearby villages for those with local connections to those villages or will it be open to anyone in the district?

Full text:

The policy of exception sites on the edges of villages is a good one. What mechanism would be applied to assigning the home if the identified need at the time of the site allocation is less than the need at the time the site built out? Would there be cascading out to nearby villages for those with local connections to those villages or will it be open to anyone in the district?