
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58768

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Dr Janice Lister

Representation Summary:

I strongly object to the release of S/CBC-A from the green belt for development. This will have a detrimental impact on the local area with a significant loss of wildlife and open space on the edge of the city.
The Bio-medical campus could be better expanded by improving usage of the existing space.
The field proposed for development is an area prone to flooding and the neighbouring development already has drainage issues.
Transport infrastructure to the CBC is already insufficient.

Full text:

I strongly object to the release of S/CBC-A from the green belt for development. This will have a detrimental impact on the local area with a significant loss of wildlife and open space on the edge of the city. The development of this site will create a harsh commercial edge to the city, visible from the approach down from Wandlebury and from the Gog Magog hills. I also object to the realignment of Granhams Road to yet further erode this important part of the green belt.
The Bio-medical campus could be better expanded by redevelopment of less dense areas within the existing campus and also by increasing the density of building on the areas already approved for development. The campus could also meet new demand by collocating common services at other nearby research campuses.
The field proposed for development is an area prone to flooding and development of the field could worsen the existing drainage issues on the neighbouring Ninewells development.
Transport infrastructure to the CBC is already insufficient. Credible infrastructure improvements have to be delivered before any future development within the existing boundary of the CBC is permitted.