
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 58896

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: R Donald

Representation Summary:

Question the scale of any new developments on the edge of Cambridge due to changes in commuting habits. The proportion of people permanently working from home, has increased hugely, thereby reducing the need for additional homes close to the city centre.

Developments are concentrated on the North side of Cambridge due to 'better' transport links, but it would be easy to improve transport links such as regular bus services on the South side of Cambridge.
Concerned that the opinions of more wealthy residents on the South side of Cambridge may be given more weight than residents on the North side.

Full text:

Question the scale of any new developments on the edge of Cambridge due to changes in commuting habits. The proportion of people permanently working from home, has increased hugely, thereby reducing the need for additional homes close to the city centre.

Developments are concentrated on the North side of Cambridge due to 'better' transport links, but it would be easy to improve transport links such as regular bus services on the South side of Cambridge.
Concerned that the opinions of more wealthy residents on the South side of Cambridge may be given more weight than residents on the North side.