
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59245

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Dave Fox

Representation Summary:

Previously (late 90s) Cambridge City Council had a policy that allotment sites with less than 15% vacancies would be invulnerable to disposal for housing developments. It seems unlikely that current allotment sites will be developed, but it would be good to state this explicitly in the plan.
Further, some allotment sites have statutory protection, in that government would need to approve disposal. It would be good to clarify which of the existing council-owned allotment sites are classified as statutory, and which are temporary, and declare the latter as now statutory, so that they benefit from that protection.

Full text:

Previously (late 90s) Cambridge City Council had a policy that allotment sites with less than 15% vacancies would be invulnerable to disposal for housing developments. It seems unlikely that current allotment sites will be developed, but it would be good to state this explicitly in the plan.
Further, some allotment sites have statutory protection, in that government would need to approve disposal. It would be good to clarify which of the existing council-owned allotment sites are classified as statutory, and which are temporary, and declare the latter as now statutory, so that they benefit from that protection.