
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59294

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Frank Gawthrop

Representation Summary:

this policy should be made stronger. "The use of family dwelling houses to accommodate students of specialist colleges and/or language schools only is not appropriate". The should be changed to 'not allowed'. This policy has previously operated to the detriment of local people e.g. 2 Lyndewode Road, when converted to a student hostel it has caused significant loss of residential amenity to local residents due to noise, disturbance and anti social behaviour by the students.

Full text:

this policy should be made stronger. "The use of family dwelling houses to accommodate students of specialist colleges and/or language schools only is not appropriate". The should be changed to 'not allowed'. This policy has previously operated to the detriment of local people e.g. 2 Lyndewode Road, when converted to a student hostel it has caused significant loss of residential amenity to local residents due to noise, disturbance and anti social behaviour by the students.