
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 59493

Received: 08/12/2021

Respondent: Ms Janette Hunter

Representation Summary:

The Biomedical Campus is at risk of surface water flooding (map attached). With Climate change and uncertainty this risk will only increase. We should be protecting the Campus which is already constructed including the new children’s hospital with a “natural based” solution which will hold back the water. These areas could be “Green Belt Enhancement” This could improve biodiversity greatly especially if the area links Nine Well Local Nature Reserve to Beechwood creating B-Lines etc. Ideally for biodiversity the proposed housing between Worts Causeway and Babraham Road should be an extension to the green belt.

Full text:

Area of concern- Queen Ediths Cambridge – Biomedical campus. “Permitted Further Campus expansion” and “Proposed Further Campus expansion”. These areas are south of Addenbrookes Hospital.
Themes of concern - Sustainability – Flood Risk – Lost opportunity to increase biodiversity
The areas of concern are at risk of river and surface water flooding. I used post code CB2 0AP to get the following screen shots this evening 8th December 2021. As you can see there is a “Flood alert” this evening . The area is at risk of surface water flooding.

As you can see the Papworth Hospital is in a flow path. With Climate change and uncertainty this risk will only increase. We should be protecting the Campus which is already constructed including the new childrens hospital with a “natural based” solution which will hold back the water. These ateas could be “Green Belt Enhamcement” This could improve biodiversity geatly especially if the area links Nine Well Local Nature Reserve to Beechwood creating B-Lines etc. Ideally for biodiversity the proposed housing between Worts Causeway and Babraham Road should be an extension to the green belt.
(Please note SuDS do not protect against the surface water flooding as shown on the government maps. SuDS reduces the runoff from a development so it does not increase the flooding elsewhere.)
I hope COP26 is being taken into account.
Businesses will leave if they are flooded regularly. Addenbrookes flooded in 2015 in the area where it touches the flow path. It is best to protect what is already here.
