
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60544

Received: 11/12/2021

Respondent: Patricia Mirrlees

Representation Summary:

S/RSC/HW Land between Hinton Way and Mingle Lane, Great Shelford

I object to 100 homes on Mingle Lane.

1) I have strong concerns about the water supply. It has been reported that Cambridge Water has failed to acknowledge how serious the water situation is in Cambridgeshire and that there is an over-abstraction of water as a result of rapid city development. Chalk streams are threatened. The current level of abstraction is unsustainable.

2) The homes will be built on green belt land. Such land is precious as development claims more and green belt land is diminished.

3) Finally, as I live on Mingle Lane, I experience traffic being halted when one car or van is parked on the road. The same is the case for Hinton Way. Cars also back up when the level crossing barriers are down. 100 or 200 extra cars on Mingle Lane and Hinton Way makes this proposed site unworkable.

Full text:

1) I have strong concerns about the water supply. It has been reported that Cambridge Water has failed to acknowledge how serious the water situation is in Cambridgeshire and that there is an over-abstraction of water as a result of rapid city development. Chalk streams are threatened. The current level of abstraction is unsustainable.

For that alone, I object to 100 new homes on Mingle Lane.

2) The homes will be built on green belt land. Such land is precious as development claims more and green belt land is diminished.

For that reason, I also object to 100 homes on Mingle Lane.

3) Finally, as I live on Mingle Lane, I experience traffic being halted when one car or van is parked on the road. The same is the case for Hinton Way. Cars also back up when the level crossing barriers are down.

100 homes means at least 100 cars, possibly as many as 200. The only access is on Mingle Lane. Even if one member of the family takes public transport, it is likely one will drive a car for convenience to get to work or do grocery shopping.

Despite plans, which have not yet been approved, for public transport, people will always use their cars.

100 or 200 extra cars on Mingle Lane and Hinton Way makes this proposed site unworkable.

These are my objections: water supply, green belt land, massive increase in cars.