
Greater Cambridge Local Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 60771

Received: 13/12/2021

Respondent: Mr and Mrs Bishop

Agent: Barton Willmore

Representation Summary:

Land north of Hinxton Court Hinxton (HELAA Site 40080)

If the Agritech Park were to become an allocation within the Plan to meet employment demand, then Land North of Hinxton Court should also be allocated given its ability to provide land for either further employment or supplementary residential uses.

Full text:


This letter is in reply to the Greater Cambridge Local Plan – First Proposals consultation and is written
on behalf of Mr & Mrs M Bishop pursuant to Land North of Hinxton Court, Hinxton.

The site was submitted as part of the Call for Sites exercise in 2019, and further representations were made to the Regulation 18 consultation in February 2020. Within the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) document 2021, the site is labelled as site 40080.

The land was considered to be appropriate for either additional housing or employment land in order to support the growth in employment within this strategic arc, which includes the Genome Campus, Chesterford Research Park, the Babraham Campus and Granta Park. The area is a key growth area for employment within the District, supported by the expansion to the Wellcome Trust at Hinxton for employment floorspace and 1,500 dwellings.

The purpose of this letter is to confirm that the site remains available for development and should therefore be considered as an option for the Greater Cambridge Partnership as they seek to allocate land to provide sustainable development across the area. The site remains well-placed to support the AgriTech Park site proposed directly to the south. This will ensure opportunities in research and development are maximised in this south Cambridge cluster. It would bring high quality employment opportunities which would benefit from the proximity to existing facilities.

If the Agritech Park were to become an allocation within the Plan to meet employment demand, then Land North of Hinxton Court should also be allocated given its ability to provide land for either further employment or supplementary residential uses.
