Stapleford and Great Shelford - Designation of a Neighbourhood Area
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Stapleford and Great Shelford - Designation of a Neighbourhood Area
Stapleford and Great Shelford Neighbourhood Area
Representation ID: 166269
Received: 20/09/2016
Respondent: Sport England
The NPPF identifies how the planning system can play an important role in facilitating social interaction and creating healthy, inclusive communities. Encouraging communities to become more physically active plays an important part in this process and providing enough sports facilities of the right quality and type and in the right places is vital to achieving this aim.
It is important that the Neighbourhood Plan reflects national policy. Sport England provides guidance on developing policy for sport.
Thank you for consulting Sport England on the above Neighbourhood Consultation.
Planning Policy in the National Planning Policy Framework identifies how the planning system can play an important role in facilitating social interaction and creating healthy, inclusive communities. Encouraging communities to become more physically active through walking, cycling, informal recreation and formal sport plays an important part in this process and providing enough sports facilities of the right quality and type and in the right places is vital to achieving this aim. This means positive planning for sport, protection from unnecessary loss of sports facilities and an integrated approach to providing new housing and employment land and community facilities provision is important.
It is important therefore that the Neighbourhood Plan reflects national policy for sport as set out in the above document with particular reference to Pars 73 and 74 to ensure proposals comply with National Planning Policy. It is also important to be aware of Sport England's role in protecting playing fields and the presumption against the loss of playing fields (see link below), as set out in our national guide, 'A Sporting Future for the Playing Fields of England - Planning Policy Statement'.
Sport England provides guidance on developing policy for sport and further information can be found following the link below:
Sport England works with Local Authorities to ensure Local Plan policy is underpinned by robust and up to date assessments and strategies for indoor and outdoor sports delivery. If local authorities have prepared a Playing Pitch Strategy or other indoor/outdoor sports strategy it will be important that the Neighbourhood Plan reflects the recommendations set out in that document and that any local investment opportunities, such as the Community Infrastructure Levy, are utilised to support the delivery of those recommendations.
If new sports facilities are being proposed Sport England recommend you ensure such facilities are fit for purpose and designed in accordance with our design guidance notes.