Great Abington Former Land Settlement Association Estate Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Plan

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Great Abington Former Land Settlement Association Estate Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Plan

Great Abington Former LSA Estate Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Plan

Representation ID: 167252

Received: 15/03/2018

Respondent: Environment Agency

Representation Summary:

The Council's drainage manager and contaminated land officer should be consulted.

No objection in principle to the proposal, however concerns over foul water drainage and potential contamination to ground waters, associated with the previous uses and non-mains drainage systems. Recommend that these issues are addressed.

The groundwater is very sensitive in this location, and a high number of private sewerage systems present cause for concern.

Given the environmental constraints/risks associated with this site, and the potential to exacerbate these by further piecemeal development, the Neighbourhood Plan should be seen as an opportunity to connect all new and existing properties to mains foul sewerage.

A preliminary contaminated land risk assessment would be needed for an individual proposal or the whole area as a minimum to determine whether the proposals pose a potential risk to the water environment. Need to consider the Environment Agency's SuDS informative.

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