Waterbeach New Town Supplementary Planning Document

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Waterbeach New Town Supplementary Planning Document

Waterbeach New Town SPD

Representation ID: 167566

Received: 24/10/2018

Respondent: Swavesey & District Bridleways Association

Representation Summary:

OBJECTION to the above documentation on the grounds of the total exclusion of equestrian needs.

Waterbeach is a rural area with many other Public Bridleways and Public Byways in he vicinity, all of which could be joined into a cohesive network with the appropriate consideration from the authorities concerned

Full text:

OBJECTION to the above documentation on the grounds of the total exclusion of equestrian needs from it. I fully support the OBJECTIONS made by the British Horse Society. Public money should be spend inclusively, not exclusively. There is good reason for designating all of the proposed new non-motorised user routes as Non Motorised User routes, Restricted Byways (no motor vehicles) or Public Bridleways (equestrians, cyclists and walkers). I have had great success working with the County Council over many years with other bodies to effect the Guided Busway Public Bridleway and there is no reason why the new routes in the Waterbeach development should not be the same. Cambourne also has a Public Bridleway perimeter route.

Horseriding in terms of countryside pleasure riding (hacking) is a mainly female participation sport, road cycling is a mainly male participatiion sport - the Council may be in danger of gender discrimination if it provides cycle facilities but not horseriding facilities. Waterbeach is a rural area with many other Public Bridleways and Public Byways in the vicinity, all of which could be joined into a cohesive network with the appropriate consideration from the authorities concerned. Lynda has suggested some routes and included an excellent map with her OBJECTION. SDBA fully supports the BHS OBJECTION.

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